Thursday, November 5, 2015

A book is not an object but a friend

Books are venerated by unpretentious people but they go pear-shaped to use them and books are properly used by prudent people. They are useful only when they can help a man in his practical life. They are given information but the hands-on use is not taught by them. Only through personal experience and observation of life the real use of books can be learnt. The wisdom and knowledge of life can be gathered not only from the academic life by reading their prescribed texts but to read more than that for perceiving the happenings of outdoor.

          Books need not be misused. They must not be studied to derive knowledge to oppose others in arguments. They are not trappings or bits and pieces to show the knowledge. After reading a book one should brood over the ideas from the book. This will help a person to improve his judgment. All the ideas from the books should not be accepted as truth. A reader should examine them carefully and should from his own conclusion.
There are certain books which should be read in parts certain other books should be read in hurry without care or attention. 

Only a few chosen good books are to be concentrated thoroughly with good care. The ideas from such books are to be adapted. In ordinary books the content are not good because they are simply in collecting of words but without context.  They impart no pleasure.

Books of all time have permanent value. Read such books. Bad books are called book of the hour. A book is not an object but a friend or character always speaks with you. A well-educated man knows many languages, but he has read selected good books because those are the cause for his life standard. Reading good books is like digging for gold. It contains good ideas. By good books one should get good manners and disciplined life. 

Thus books are our daily enlarging means of education regarding the irrigation of getting knowledge.

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